Multi rider ticket for the cancer rollercoaster

They say things come in 3’s… let’s hope I’ve had mine this week!

1. Start of the week kicked off with antibiotics after a particularly hungry fly took 4 juicy bites out of my arms putting me at increased risk of lymphodemia. It causes your body to stop draining fluid from that area, in this case my arms. Scary thing is once you have lymphodemia you can’t get rid of it!

2. One of the side effects of Letrezole are headaches so it came as no surprise when I woke up with a blinder on Thursday… which 4 days on I still have!

But what did surprise me was to wake up Saturday morning with a broken blood vessel in my eye!

To some people they would just see it as a broken vein and not worry too much…. but to a person who has previously had Cancer… its oh god is it in my brain, and then the rollercoaster of what if’s start!

…what if the cancers spread to my brain

…what if the cancer is in my eye

…what if this time it’s too late for treatment

Not enough of an emergency to go to A&E so waiting game again to see if I can see my GP on Monday…. not that they’ll be able to do much, other than reassure me that it’s all ok, which I kind of already know, but still once you’re on that cancer rollercoaster it’s pretty hard to get off!

3. Getting a letter Saturday morning confirming a dermatology referral for a suspicious looking mole on my back.

What a week!

Bring on next week … it’s wedding confirmation week as I’m getting married in 4 weeks!!!!

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